What is happening in the schools?
A thank you to Indefence of Children for the following information:
What is happening in the schools?
In Australia, education policies & programs have been introduced that undermine the safety of students, the rights of parents and the dignity of the teaching profession. Advocates insist that these changes are in the best interests of children. But parents and teachers know that encouraging children to reject their own bodies is wrong, that eroticising and sexualising a child’s learning environment is wrong, and that schools should never, ever lie to parents about their children.
Students: curriculum k-12
From day-care to year 12, children are being taught to 'explore' and 'play with' their sexual orientation and 'gender identity'.
1. Neutral, health based sex-education has been replaced with age-inappropriate, erotic sexual materials that encourage high risk sexual behaviours. Children are taught: •to view their sexual orientation as 'fluid' & 'changeable', and to explore 'different sexualities’. •to view heteronormativity- the prevalence of heterosexuality in society- as negative •that having to get monthly STI testing is a 'normal part of sex’. •that consent and legal age are the two main considerations when pursuing sex. •how to access abortion drugs & surgical abortions •how to cancel their parents access to their Medicare records •to share intimate personal information about their sexual experiences and preferences with their teacher/class •to take part in role plays about sexual 'ethics’. •about uses for pornography & sex toys, and about sex acts like 'analingus, rimming, cunnilingus' etc •that homosexual is 'same gender attraction', rather than 'same sex attraction’.
2. Neutral, objective biological science education has been replaced with ideological, biased, gender ideology. Children are taught: •that if their personalities don't match sexist stereotypes they might have born in 'the wrong body’. •that statements about biological reality (eg. women don't create sperm) are transphobic. •that the need and desire for sex-based privacy, dignity and identity are not as important as other people's 'gender identities’.
3. Culturally neutral/balanced curriculums have been replaced with biased lessons in political activism & fundraising. Children are taught: •to view those who disagree with any aspect of the LGBTQI+ worldview are motivated by bigotry and are to be viewed as 'enemies’. •that people who want to be viewed as 'allies' of LGBTQI+ communities have to 'prove' themselves, by making repeated public shows of affirmation and/or apologies for past/structural discrimination. •to use class time and external support groups to put pressure on their school entire school community to publicly affirm LGBTQI+ ideology. •to organise and/or attend LGBTQI+ political rallies.
See Indefence of Children and Active Watchful Waiting for impact of ‘affirming’ children as the opposite sex, hyper sexualisation of the school curriculum and the money behind the ideology.
Consequences for teachers: https://www.indefenceofchildren.org/teachers
Consequences for parents: https://www.indefenceofchildren.org/parents
Be aware of the damages and corruption of the gender industry: https://www.aww.org.au/genderaffirmativecare
Be aware of how Autistic, vulnerable and gay children are targeted: https://www.aww.org.au/genderguidelinesofapsharmslgb
'Gender Affirmation' is the new anti-gay conversion 'therapy':
https://www.lgbdefence.org/post/gender-affirmation-transing-the-gay-away -
The Gender Industry – Part 1 - https://www.aww.org.au/post/the-gender-industry-business-model
The Kinsey-State of affairs... sexualising babies in Australia: https://www.aww.org.au/post/the-kinsey-state-of-affairs-sexualising-babies-in-australia
Would it surprise you, that 96% of the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) budget is funded by pharmaceutical companies? https://www.bmj.com/content/377/bmj.o1538.full